Pampther is Live!

3 min readMay 7, 2021


This moment has long been in the making and is a big milestone for all Pampthers. We cannot emphasize this enough, without the support and resources of the community the Pampther idea would not be the success that it is. Pampther is a community for the community, if you have not done so already, join the telegram and help sharpen the claws of this big cat.

Pampther is now trading live on Pancakeswap!!!

The Liquidity generated from the presale has been locked forever!
The Pancakeswap liquidity tokens were sent to a burn address

From the conclusion of the Pampther Presale the remaining Presale allocation (16.3% of the total supply) of PAMPTHER was burnt. The burnt tokens form the largest holder and paired with our tokenomics that include 1% burn, 1% Reflection and 0.1% donation on each transaction mean that the burn wallet will obtain a larger proportion of the 1% reflection. In simple terms this means that as transactions continue a relatively larger portion of the tokens will be burnt forever.

Launching on Pancakeswap the PAMPTHER token is still up 219%.
We have a current market cap of $188,775 USD

Where to from here?
Our roadmap is available on our website
With the remaining time of Q2 we will be listing on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko and Blockfolio. The submissions to be listed are lengthy and do take time but can easily be achieved this quarter.
The team will be in discussions with a number of Centralized Exchanges (CEX) and aim to rapidly expand to allow members to join the movement without limitations.

From the start of Q3 partnerships developed over time will be put in place to create the Crypto Charity Alliance (CCA), an alliance of similar communities with similar goals. A limited supply of Pampther merch will be released for sale with payment to be made in PAMPTHER tokens, why? the limited supply of the Pampther merch will tie in very closely with the plans of NFT’s. Although the roadmap suggests NFT’s are to be implemented in Q4, this may be brought forward to coincide with the Pampther merch. At some point in Q3 we will begin looking to establish a presence on other blockchain networks such as Polygon (MATIC).

Why Pampther?
“There’s so many other tokens that are similar”, from a general standpoint that is correct but those following Pampther from inception know the value. Liquidity is locked forever, the community is growing at an exponential rate. Our roadmap highlights points in which we will deliver on, however, the PAMPTHER token is just the start, a Pampther DEX and Launchpad is being planned to help spread the idea of Pampther- The desire to help those who need it and grow along like minded people. This is not encorporated into the roadmap as we aim for organic growth to protect our community and investors.

In conclusion, Pampther is only a reality due to its people. If you have been in the crypto space a while or even just getting started join the community, help enable discussion, every contribution goes a long way. Prevent the feeling of “If I had held X amount of Pampther I would have $100X right now” the bull market is upon us. The time is now.

Pamp the Pampther.




Official Medium for the $PAMPTHER. Per TX: 1% redistributed to Pampther holders, 1% burned, 0.1% donated to Binance Charity Wallet