Pampther. A where-to from here.

2 min readJul 13, 2021


As usual the team would like to thank each and every Pampther for their continued support, almost 2000 Pampthers and counting!

We often get stuck in the nitty-gritty, day to day chaos and fail to look back and gain perspective. Looking back almost 2months — Pampther held a presale on DX Sale, which due to technical issues failed. The team were able to identify issues and rectify them. Shortly after another presale was held. This one smashing our softcap and allowing the deployment of the liquidity.

Since inception, the team have continuously been looking forward, however at times it is often needed to take a step back and reflect on past achievements, not to take the foot of the gas, but rather as a motivation mechanism and to refresh ones mindset; it’s a marathon not a sprint. Reflecting on not only the teams efforts but the community as a collective.

A few highlights since launch include, the Android and IOS game has been successfully launched having hosted 2 competitions, with a 3rd competition ready to go with game updates being finalized. We have had multiple marketing campaigns, from influencer shout-outs, to even being the most viewed crypto on CMC for 2 days in a row! We have almost burnt through 20% of the supply with the tokenomics of the token and achieved nearly $2mill USD in trading volume. Our website has had a full revamp and we have successfully deployed NFTs to winners of competitions.

Regarding the price, we have seen massive BOOMS and BUSTS, but this is all expected as a new token. With the volume we have seen and continue to see, tokens will continue to be burnt, reducing the supply and making each and every PAMPTHER token that much more scarce. Pampther does call itself a meme token but this is no joke, as per our whitepaper, memes stand to represent more than just short jokes but represent a means of communication. Other meme tokens that see 1000x gains overnight barely see the light of the following day. We have achieved so much in he last few months and there is so much more on the horizon. Those have supported us and continue to do so will be pleasantly rewarded.

We thought we would release a short update while in a holding period, awaiting our Pampther & Friends competition update. The Virtual Pet Game and Game Launchpad are still in the pipeline, with more details to be revealed as they are conceptualized and developed.


The Pampther Team.




Official Medium for the $PAMPTHER. Per TX: 1% redistributed to Pampther holders, 1% burned, 0.1% donated to Binance Charity Wallet